The photo above actually shows 3 different plant species growing together  next to the First Tower of the Belalong Canopy Walkway. The thin liana  with the  tiny leaves and fruit like globes is a Dischidia ant plant.  The  green globes  are hollow inside  and evolved to host ants. The Dischidia grows roots inside the globes which obtain nutrients  from the waste food and faeces created by the ants. The Dischidia liana is twining around  a mistletoe  Ginalloa arnottiana  which is parasitising  a terminal branch of a giant forest tree Dipterocarpus verrucosus. (Plant life in Borneo can get very complicated !)

Dischidia 3P7A4941 - Copy

Dischidia 3P7A4942  .JPG

Coode at al  (1996) Checklist of Brunei Plants.jpg

I have guessed  that the Dischidia  photos above are of D. albida  based on location but they could well be another species.